Acupuncture Treatment; providing professional Acupuncture Treatment
and Chiropractic Care services for
residents in Toledo, Ohio and the surrounding communities.
Acupuncture is
one of the oldest, and most commonly used alternative or
‘complimentary medical’ procedures in the world. Originating
in China more than 5,000 years ago, acupuncture became
widely known in the United States in the 1970s. Numerous
studies have documented the validity and health benefits of
acupuncture treatments.
The Chinese discovered that
there is an energy network navigating just below the
surface of the skin between over 1000 "Acupoints",
which communicates between your bodies exterior and
internal structures and organs, which works in
harmony with the body's central nervous,
circulatory, muscular, digestive, genitourinary, as
well as all other body systems.
Acupuncture treatments
stimulate these "Acupoints",
for the purpose of restoring harmony between the
energy network and the rest of your bodies systems
and organs. Acupuncture treatments promotes your
bodies natural healing ability to take place.
Acupuncture practitioners are trained to select
several relevant points to help the body restore
For more detailed information
regarding acupuncture treatments and it's medical
and health benefits, Contact
McMahon Chiropractic & Acupuncture LLC
today at
(419) 385-0002.
Acupuncture treatments may help prevent
illness by improving the overall functioning of
the body's immune and organ systems. The main
objectives of Acupuncture treatment is
Treat existing illnesses and
injuries and to alleviate pain;
Strengthen the immune system
thus preventing illness;
Achieve balance, harmony thus improving
overall health.
McMahon Chiropractic & Acupuncture LLC
takes tremendous pride in providing professional
acupuncture treatment services for residents in
Toledo, Ohio and the surrounding communities. If you have been injured or are experiencing
physical discomfort, contact our office today at
(419) 385-0002
to schedule a confidential consultation with an experienced
chiropractor and
acupuncture treatment specialist.
Dr. McMahon
believes that proper exercise, diet, nutrition, mental
attitude and nerve supply promotes a healthy mind and body.
Health is a journey, and we are here to help guide you,
along with your family, and friends. So, please feel free to
call and set up a consultation. Call
(419) 385-0002.
Acupuncture Treatment; providing professional Acupuncture Treatment
and Chiropractic Care services for
residents in Toledo, Ohio and the surrounding communities. |